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The body is a vessel, a power source, an intricate work of art made up millions of cells, atoms, exquisite systems of connection and communication to create YOU and your experience unique experience. The body encases our heart, our soul, our memories, the capacity to feel and be. 

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Our senses and our soma offer us a playground. The skin is the largest organ and this is where we can access unknown information about ourself. This is an opportunity  will be opportunity to learn about the layers of self, especially in the realms of emotional connection and relating.  


Emotions are felt strongly in the heart as well as physically. Our human experience is meant to be a state of sentient embodiment. This is what will be reawakened and remembered in our sessions.  Empowerment and true inner knowing of this visceral ancient wisdom that connects us to all and self. 

This is a shamanic journey as well a transpersonal, somatic experience. You will learn to refine and enhance your senses, to refine the capacity to feel and experience sensuality in a deeper way. You will be lead towards your own power and sentience.

© 2024 by MARIANNNKA 

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